{{'Login' | translate}} ×
{{'Loading themes, please wait...' | translate}}
{{'Print' | translate}} ×
{{'Draw and Measure'|translate}} ×
{{'Filter'|translate}} ×
{{'Editing'|translate}} ×
{{'In order to use the editing tool, you must log in first.' | translate}}
{{'Elevation profile'|translate}} ×

Draw a line on the map to display the corresponding elevation profile. Use double-click to finish the drawing.

{{'Lidar profile (only on the canton of Neuchâtel)'|translate}} ×
{{'Google Street View'|translate}} ×
{{'Mapillary Street View'|translate}} ×
{{'Selection'|translate}} ×
{{'Import Layer'|translate}} ×
{{'Routing'|translate}} ×